Msgr. Schemmer Dies; Rites To Be At New Holstein GREEN BAY
Msgr. George A. Schemmer, 74-year-old chaplain of St. Francis Preparatory Novitiate at Robinsonville, died Friday night at St. Vincent's Hospital.
Msgr. Schemmer, a native of New London who was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1906, had held a number of pastorates including 12 years at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral here.
Funeral services will be held at Holy Rosary Church in New Holstein Tuesday morning.
Sheboygan Journal - May 21, 1955
No headstone photos
George Schemmer - Line 72
Source - Year: 1900; Census Place: Marshfield, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin; Roll: T623_1789; Page: 1B; Enumeration District: 162
Father Ulrich's Successor.
Rev. C. Ulrich, who has been pastor of the Catholic churches at Custer and Ellis for the past year or more, departed for Green Bay, Monday afternoon, to become chaplain at St. Vincent's hospital. Rev. Geo. Schemmer assistant to Father O'Brien, of Green Bay, has been appointed to succeed Father Ulrich, but as he cannot come here for a few weeks, or until an assistant is secured at Green Bay, Father Ignatius, of St. Nazianz, Manitowoc county, is temporarily in charge.
Father Schemmer is a young clergyman and is a brother of the late Rev. Jos. F. Schemmer, a former pastor of St. Joseph's church in this city.
Rev. Geo. A. Schemmer of Coster Promoted to Important Village in Manitowoc Connty—Leaves Next Week.
Rev. Geo. A. Schemmer, for the past few years in charge of St. Mary's congregation at Custer and St. Martin's in the town of Sharon, has been transferred to Kiel, a village of 1,500 people in Manitowoc county. Father Schemmer will preach his farewell sermon at the Cister church next Sunday. The announcement that he is to leave this vicinity will be read with deep regret by all who have met the genial gentleman, and especially so by his parishioners, among whom he is greatly beloved. Since taking up his residence at St. Mary's parsonage a few years ago he has been an indefatigable worker, both for the spiritual and material uplift of his people. Many important improvements have been made in and about the church and extensive repairs were contemplated for the parish house this season. The transfer to Kiel is a marked promotion.
Source - The Gazette - May 21, 1913
Rev. Geo. A. Schemmer, former pastor of St. Mary's congregation at Custer, has been promoted to the pastorate at Shawano and may enter upon his new charge next Sunday.
Source - The Gazette (Stevens Point) - Oct 28, 1914
George Schemmer - Line 66
Source - Year: 1920; Census Place: Center, Outagamie, Wisconsin; Roll: T625_2008; Page: 11B; Enumeration District: 202; Image: 1241.
George Schemmer - Line 51
Source - Year: 1930; Census Place: Center, Outagamie, Wisconsin; Roll: 2603; Page: 9B; Enumeration District: 20; Image: 626.0.
Msgr. Schemmer Investiture Will Take Place In December New Holstein
Thursday, Oct. 27, the Most Rev. Stanislaus V. Bona, bishop of the Green Bay diocese, on the occasion of his return from an ad limina visit to Rome, formally announced the elevation by Pope Pius of the Very Rev. George A. Schemmer, pastor of Holy Rosary congregation of this city, to the rank of domestic prelate with the title of Right Reverend Monsignor. The investiture ceremonies will take place in New Holstein early in December, at which time Bishop Bona will officiate.
The Rt. Rev. Msgr. Schemmer was born in New London, Wis. In 1897 the family moved to Chilton. He pursued his classical course at St. Lawrence college, Mt. Calvary, and completed his philosophical and theological studies at St. Francis seminary, Milwaukee, where he was ordained to the priesthood on June 10, 1906 by the late Bishop Fox.
After offering his first solemn mass in St. Mary's church, Chilton, he was appointed assistant to Father Michael J. O'Brien, St. Patrick's church, Green Bay. Later he held successive pastorates at Custer, St. Anna, Shawano, Mackville, and Marinette.
From 1925 to 1933, in addition to discharging his duties as pastor, Monsignor Schemmer served the diocese as director of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith. During his tenure of office the Green Bay diocese in its missionary endeavor rose to ninth place among the Catholic dioceses in the United States.
In May, 1932, Monsignor Schemmer was officially installed as rector of the Cathedral parish in Green Bay. At his arrival the dire financial depression which harassed the nation throughout the thirties was at its worst. But this did not deter Monsignor Schemmer in his efforts to promote the spiritual and temporal welfare of the parish.
As at monument to his zealous labors during his twelve year stay as rector there stands today a new and model Sister's Home, erected at a cost of $75,000. Another noteworthy project undertaken during his incumbency was the rioh, and highly artistic interior decoration of the cathedral edifice. So pleased was Bishop Rhode with the work, that when interviewed by the press, he did not hesitate to give it his unqualified endorsement in the words: "Before it was just another church: now it is the cathedral."
When the duties of the cathedral became too strenuous, Monsignor Schemmer asked for a small parish. Since May, 1944 Monsignor Schemmer has guided the spiritual destiny of Holy Rosary congregation in this community. An imposing modern Sister's home on the Holy Rosary premises offers ample testimony of his forty-three years of labor.
There is general rejoicing now that the Holy Father has accorded Monsignor Schemmer the high tribute of membership in the papal household. The priests of Calumet deanery are pleased that their dean has been so signally honored.
Source - Sheboygan Journal - Nov 3, 1949
Rev. Scanlan Is Pastor At New Holstein NEW HOLSTEIN
The Rev. Lambert D. Scanlan, director of Green Bay Diocesan charaties and of the apostolate at Green Bay since September, 1947, is to be the new pastor of Holy Rosary Catholic Church here.
Father Scanlan will succeed Msgr. George Schemmer, pastor at Holy Rosary since 1944. The transfer, announced Saturday by Bishop Stanislaus V. Bona of the Green Bay Diocese, will become effective Sept. 28.
Msgr. Schemmer, dean of the Calumet County Catholic deaneary, has been named by the bishop as chaplain of St. Francis Noviate and the chapel at Robinsonville.
Also leaving Holy Rosary is the present assistant pastor, the Rev. Ralph Hermsen, who is being appointed assistant at Ss. Peter and Paul Parish, Green Bay.
Msgr. Schemmer, a native of New London, moved to Chilton in 1897. He studied at St. Lawrence College, Mt. Calvary, completing his theological work at St. Francis Seminary, Milwaukee. He was ordained a priest there on June 10, 1906, by the late Bishop Fox.
He offered his first solemn mass at St. Mary Church, Chilton, and was appointed assistant at St. Michael Church, Green Bay. Later he was pastor at Custer, St. Anna, Shawano, Mackville, Marinette, and Cathedral in Green Bay.
His elevation to a monsignor came in 1949.
Father Scanlan is being succeeded in the diocesan charities post by the Rev. William Spalding, director of the Oshkosh Apostolate.
In another major change, the Rev. Robert McCarthy, director of the Appleton Apostolate, has been named pastor of St. Killian Church, New Franken. The Rev. E. B. Timmers, new director of the Manitowoc Apostolate, will follow Father McCarthy at Appleton. Going to the Manitowoc Apostolate will be the Rev. Mark Schmitt, presently the assistant at St. Rose, Clintonville.
Source - Sheboygan Journal - Sep 20, 1954
Msgr. Schemmer Dies; Rites To Be At New Holstein GREEN BAY
Msgr. George A. Schemmer, 74-year-old chaplain of St. Francis Preparatory Novitiate at Robinsonville, died Friday night at St. Vincent's Hospital.
Msgr. Schemmer, a native of New London who was ordained a Roman Catholic priest in 1906, had held a number of pastorates including 12 years at St. Francis Xavier Cathedral here.
Funeral services will be held at Holy Rosary Church in New Holstein Tuesday morning.
Source - Sheboygan Journal - May 21, 1955
Research notes for George
Became a priest.
Jun 1880
Birth of George Schemmer
Jun 1900
Age 19
Lived in Marshfield, Fond Du Lac, Wisconsin (Census)