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Database Statistics
6673 Individuals
3403Males (51%)
3267Females (48.96%)
8435 Documents
3510Census Records
2456Obituaries (66.7%)
800Headstone Photos
Ref. 1076 people (29.2%)
500Baptism Records
315Marriage Records
270Wedding Articles
584misc. docs
Ref. 15228 ind. (3683 unique)
More Statistical Data
Top 20 Surnames
1226 surnames not listed.
Top 20 First Names
1171 first names not listed.
(* Includes alt spellings)
This is my family tree...
I created this website to help me carry on my aunt Mary Ellen's incredible genealogical legacy. It contains my family along with a small (but growing) chunk of my wife's family.

Living Relatives
The information of living relatives is protected on this site. The general public will not see any information on these people.

Contact Information
If you find any errors, would like to contribute, or would like to learn more about the database, please me.

Version History
Below is a running (albeit not entirely complete) version listing. Thanks for visiting!

02/2023 - Version R2.1
	  Reworked shockingly wrong code for computing age.

12/2019 - Version R2.0

09/2019 - BETA RELEASE - Version Beta2.0
	  And there was much rejoicing...

	- Version 2.0Alpha continued...
	  Reworked minor pages
	  Cleaned DB
	  Cleaned orphaned files
	  Fixed 1-off links

08/2019 - Version 2.0Alpha continued...
	  Finished last main page view (desc)
	  Redesigned Image Viewer (THANK YOU Craig Francis!!) and as a result of that...
	  Recreated all Thumbnails (THANK YOU makers of Croppic!)
	  Redesigned Cemeteries Page
	  Redesigned Maps Pages -- added outlines to state and county views, added city view
	  Fixed an alarming number of bugs in redesigned pages
	  Prep'd for Beta Release

07/2019 - Version 2.0Alpha continued...
	  Finished redesign on 2 main page views (info, ance)
	  Continued transition to php 7
	  Optimised CSS files
	  Found and fixed several unknown bugs
	  Set up friendly URLs
	  Implemented Google Site Search
	  Redesigned Surname Index Pages

06/2019 - Version 2.0Alpha
          Starting transition to subdomain
          Upgrading to php 7

09/2011 - Version R1.2
          Completely reworked Place of Burial
          Added Cemetery Listings
          Created maps of cemeteries by state and county

08/2010 - Version R1.1
          Added Kinship Report (Family Only)

12/2008 - Version R1.0 (Released...finally!)

04/2008 - Version B1.20
          Added RKS Blog to homepage
          Added a few "Family Features"

04/2008 - Version B1.11
          "grayed out" icons for IDs with no ancestors or descendants
          Added headstones (when avail) to burial page
          Added generation limit on Descendants page
          Added +/- yrs span on search page

04/2008 - Version B1.10
          Fixed display issue on Info Page
          Fixed display photo issue
          Added "Zoomify" feature to census records

04/2008 - Version B1.00
          BETA RELEASE
          Fixed several bugs on several pages

03/2008 - Version A3.20
          Documents added
          Photographs added
          Notes added
          More DB additions and optimizations

03/2008 - Version A3.11
          Extensive Revisions to Admin Pages
          Several more DB optimizations

01/2008 - Version A3.10
          Added Timeline to Info Page (Thanks to Ralph for the JavaScript!)
          Major Revisions to Admin Pages

12/2007 - Version A3.00
          First ALPHA RELEASE
          Hid Living Relative info
          Added Login for Family
          Added Name Suffix and Gender fields

11/2007 - Version A2.20
          Added Search Function
          Added "About" page (Revision History and DB Stats)

09/2007 - Version A2.11
          Optimized Marriage Tables

08/2007 - Version A2.10
          Optimized Child Tables
          Created 2nd and 3rd navigation views (descendants and information)       

03/2006 - Version A2.01
          Completed MySQL and PHP transition
          Ancestors page only
          Ability to handle multiple marriages

11/2005 - Version A2.00
          Started transition to MySQL and PHP script

03/2002 - Version A1.01
          Updated ancestor page to match look of Pedigree sheet
          Created additional navigation (descendants page)

11/1997 - Version A1.0
          Created text-based database queried via Perl
          One page navigation (ancestors page)

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