Leo Robers - Line 57
Frank Richter - Line 66
Leonard Kerkman - Line 92
Elmer Richter - Line 95
Nick Barbian - Line 98
Source - Year: 1930; Census Place: Brighton, Kenosha, Wisconsin; Roll: 2577; Page: 4B; Enumeration District: 1; Image: 383.0.

Lorena Richter - line 41
Shirley Richter - line 42
Elmer Richter - line 55
Sylvester Epping - line 63
Source - Year: 1940; Census Place: Brighton, Kenosha, Wisconsin; Roll: T627_4487; Page: 5B; Enumeration District: 30-1
Ozarks Mts. Destination of Newlywed Pair
Plans to live in Burlington after a honeymoon in the Ozark mountains and through the southern states were announced by Mr. and Mrs. John P. Wiemer following their wedding at St. Alphonsus church at New Munster this morning. The bride, formerly Miss Lorena Katherine Richter of Brighton, exchanged vows with Mr. Wiemer at 9 o'clock mass performed by the Rev. Michaels.
St. Alphonsus choir sang the mass, with Miss Bernice Robers as soloist. The bride's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank Richter, and Mr. Wiemer's parents are Mr. and Mrs. Frank C. Wiemer of Burlington.
Ivory satin fashioned the gown worn by the bride, who carried a bouquet of white gardenias. The dress was made with a full skirt and train and a yoke of marquisette edged with a bertha Of lace. The fingertip veil was held by a crown of seed pearls.
Attending the bride was her sister, Shirley, in a pink gown of frost-printed satin made with cap sleeves. Her accessories included a head dress of matching plumes and elbow-length gloves, and she held orchid gladioli. Miss Evelyn Tenhagen, bridesmaid, was dressed similarly in blue, and she carried peach gladioli. Kathy Lois was flower girl in a long white dress, sweetheart bonnet and colonial bouquet.
Charles Wiemer, brother of the groom, was best man, and Ray Richter, brother of the bride, and Donald Pieters were ushers. Jerome Vos was groomsman.
Celebrating the nuptials, dinner was served the families at the Richter home, and a reception will be held there this evening. Their home after Sept. 23 will be at 727 Chestnut street, Burlington. He manages the Burlington Consumers Coop grocery store there.
Source - Kenosha Evening News - Sep 11, 1946

John Wiemer - line 14
Source - Year: 1950; Census Place: Burlington, Racine, Wisconsin; Roll: 698; Page: 20; Enumeration District: 51-6
Mrs. John Wiemer
Mrs. John P. Wiemer, 43, 325 Chestnut St., Burlington, died Saturday at Burlington Memorial Hospital.
She was born Lorena K. Richter, in Burlington, on Feb. 27, 1925, the daughter of Frank and Verna Epping Richter, and spent her early life in Wheatland township. She attended St. Alphonsus School, New Munster, and Burlington high school.
On Sept. 11, 1946, at St. Alphonsus church, she married John P. Wiemer. After her marriage she moved to Burlington where she was a member of St. Charles church and the St. Ann society.
Survivors besides her widower are three sons, Nicholas, Robert, and John D., and a daughter, Julie Ann; her parents, in Wheatland; a brother, Raymond Richter, Wheatland, and a sister, Mrs. Donald (Shirley) Meyer, Burlington.
WIEMER-Funeral services for the late Mrs. Lorena K. Wiemer, 325 W. Chestnut St., Burlington, Wis., will be held at 10 a.m. Tuesday, June 18, at St. Charles Catholic Church, Burlington. Interment St. Charles Cemetery. Friends may call after 4 p.m. Monday at the McCarthy-Rueter Funeral Home, 473 Milwaukee Ave., Burlington. Rosary services at 8 p.m. Monday.
Source - Kenosha News - Jun 17, 1968