Good artists copy; great artists steal.
Like any good artist, I stole this quote. I did not steal it from Steve Jobs.
I stole it from the guy he stole it from...Picasso.
In my creation of this site, I have stolen from the very best. I feel I should acknowledge these fine folks.
Below is a list (although not nearly complete list) of people I've stolen from...
And since everything I've stolen was "free" -- well, thanks for making it available to steal it from the comfort of my own workstation.
- Rudy Richter
Ok, so I pay these guys. But they are on my thanks page for two reasons.
- They ROCK. I've dealt with my share of web hosting
companies, and trust me...THESE GUYS ROCK. I have awesome uptime, they answer my questions, they are really, really reasonably
priced and they make every bell and whistle on this site seem easy.
- Did I mention THEY ROCK?!
MySQL has given me the power to control this tiny corner of my universe. Thank you to all the developers and supporters who allow me to feel godlike with my data.
I've written code in some form or another for over 20 years. I have never loved it before I started working with PHP. Thank you to the countless individuals who have developed and supported PHP.
In my recent transition to version 2.0, I realized I had forgotten some most everything about HTML, css, php, and especially JavaScript. The fine folks at have put together a very nice resource for web developers.
Google Maps™ mapping service, Google Site Search™, Google News™ news service, Google News Alerts™ service, Gmail™ webmail
service, Google Code™ open source developer site and Google Webmaster Central™ help site are just a few of the things that the nice people at Google have let me steal use for free.
Thank you to the team and all the members at Find a Grave. I have received permission to use many, many photos from the wonderful volunteers there. Thank you again!
Icons by Maps Icons Collection is where I stole my nifty numbered flags I use on Google Maps™. |
Finally to my wife, without whom, none of this would be possible. Honey, I've included your logo here as my way of saying thanks for all you do for me. |